How Moms Can Ease Back and Neck Tension In Minutes A Day

Mother experiencing lower back pain

If any superheroes deserve to wear a cape, it’s us moms. Possessing superhuman stamina, an indefatigable spirit and true grit, we get the seemingly impossible done every day. But if every superhero has their kryptonite, for moms, it’s back and neck tension, which not only takes a toll on our bodies, but also our mind and spirit. In the midst of caring for others, it's crucial that we also make time for our own well-being. 

This blog post will spotlight some effective stretches and self-care rituals that have helped thousands of moms find relief. Additionally, I'll discuss how incorporating Posture Pump® products can enhance our self-care routine, improve posture, relieve muscle strain, and promote relaxation in as little as 5 minutes. 

Moms will learn:

  • The Vital Importance of Maintaining A Self-Care Routine

  • Common Causes of Back & Neck Tension 

  • Simple Stretches For Moms

  • Incorporating Stretching Into Daily Routines

Importance of Self-Care for Mothers

Being a mom is an incredible responsibility, but it's important to remember that our well-being matters too. Taking care of ourselves allows us to show up as the best versions of ourselves for our loved ones. By incorporating self-care practices into our daily routine, we can reduce physical discomfort, improve mobility, and prevent chronic pain from becoming a hindrance. The good news is that moms can comfortably lie down on their back and in only 5-15 minutes, alleviate or prevent back and neck pain. More on how to do this shortly. 

Unfortunately, moms often put their own needs last, which is why so few take the time for daily self-care. Over time, however, neglecting self-care can lead to back and neck discomfort—not to mention emotional burnout. By incorporating a simple daily self-care routine, mothers can better manage their daily responsibilities and improve their overall quality of life. 

Common Causes of Back and Neck Tension in Moms

Motherhood is the ultimate occupational hazard. The risks of bodily discomfort, of course, often manifest during pregnancy. In a study of 308 postpartum women from Japan, the prevalence of shoulder and neck pain was over 73%, with over one-fourth of those women experiencing pain after birth. 

For many women, pain and tension persist postpartum, possibly permanently—if nothing is done to correct spinal alignment

Additionally, breastfeeding and carrying and lifting children, especially as they grow, puts undue stress and muscular strain on our back and neck. 

Posture Pump®: Effective, Easy Neck And Back Pain Support

At the end of the day, many moms just want to plop down on the couch and wash away the day's stress with a mindless show or movie. Having a daily self-care ritual sounds great in theory. However, even a super mom only has so much gas in the tank. There’s simply no fuel (or time) left for a power yoga class before bed.

So wouldn’t it be ideal if moms could decompress from the day simply by lying down and literally decompressing their spines with minimal effort from the comfort of home? 

With Posture Pump® Disc Hydrators®, safe and effective back and neck pain relief is a research-backed reality

In as little as 5-15 minutes per day, Posture Pump® can help to reshape the spine's natural curves. These products utilize patented Expanding Ellipsoidal Decompression (EED®) technology to provide gentle traction and promote disc hydration, leading to improved spinal alignment and reduced tension.

Moms trust the opinions of other moms, which is why you should learn more about Posture Pump® by checking out product reviews, including this video of Laurie, who used Posture Pump® to overcome slipped discs and resume her active lifestyle. 

“The cost and value gained is immeasurable,” Laurie says. “It gives your body a chance to recover and regain your mobility—and your lifestyle.”

Simple Stretches for Moms

Posture Pump® is one of the easiest and most effective back and neck tension solutions. If you’re a superhero mom running on fumes, making extra time for simple stretches can also provide relief. 

Regular stretching alleviates tight muscles and promotes healthier circulation. In doing so, muscular tension and discomfort are relieved. In addition, stretching improves flexibility, posture and range of motion. And let’s not discount the effects of stretching on the mind and spirit. Stretching activates the parasympathetic nervous system, the “rest and digest” branch of the central nervous system (CNS). This, in turn, counteracts the sympathetic nervous system, the “fight, flight or freeze” branch of the CNS. 

With this in mind, here are 3 simple stretches moms can perform upon waking or before bedtime (or while binge-watching a favorite show):

  1. Neck Stretches: Gently tilt your head to the right and left, and then forward and backward. Hold each position for 15-30 seconds to release tension in the neck. This stretch can alleviate excessive forward head posture (aka “Nerd Neck”).

  2. Upper Back and Shoulder Stretches: Interlace your fingers behind your back and gently squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for 15-30 seconds to stretch the upper back and shoulders.

  3. Lower Back and Hip Stretches: Lie on your back and bring your knees towards your chest. Hold for 15-30 seconds to stretch the lower back and hips. While on your back, don’t forget to use your Posture Pump®.

Breathing Exercises For Moms 

In addition to Posture Pump® products, having a daily breathwork practice is an easy stress-relief self-care ritual for us moms. 

A study titled “How Breath-Control Can Change Your Life” says it all. Published in the journal, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, the study concludes that slow breathing techniques enhance the parasympathetic nervous system. “Paced [slow] breathing has been associated with relaxation and well-being, while fast breathing has been often mutually linked to anxiety and stress,” the study authors write. 

The lesson for us moms is that even if we’re living life in the fast lane, at the end of the day, we should prioritize taking a few minutes to perform some deep, slow breathing. 

Have any questions about Posture Pump®? Visit our FAQ page or call 1-800-632-5776.

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